Thursday, June 26, 2008

Grade 2 Field Trip to the Past

On June 19th, 2008 I accompanied Claire and the rest of the OES Grade 2 students to the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village about an hour and a 1/2 east of our place on highway #16.

The Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village is an open-air museum that takes you back in time to the early 1900's - 1930's and shows you how the Ukrainian settlers of east central Alberta lived.  The site is littered with historic buildings that have been moved to the site and restored from various locations all over east, central Alberta.  It is pretty cool.  The other thing that is pretty cool about the museum is that they have actors that portray people that would have lived in this time frame.  AND THEY DO NOT BREAK CHARACTER FOR ANYTHING!!  This can be neat or annoying based on your mood at the time.

We are crossing the bridge from the present to the past
oh, and learning how to say "hi" and "goodbye"
in Ukrainian

The Constable who was from England.
He locked the kids in his jail cell because they were supposed
to be in school.

The Constable's Wife listening attentively.
Mrs. Berhinger, who I am sure has been on this trip a 
hundred times pointed out that this lady was
Ukrainian last year.

The sod house and it's inhabitant

Inside the tiny sod house

One of the highlights for Claire anyway was the visit to the school house where all the kids received a spelling lesson from Mr. Book (pronounced like hoot).  Claire thought it was fabulous and got to write the spelling word on the board.  The little boy that got sent to the corner, on the other hand, did not think it was so hot.

Note the poor guy in the corner

Claire spells Vinegar correctly on the board
after writing it 10 times on a slate.

There were pigs to see and chickens to stalk.  There were also cows and gardens everywhere.  I liked this one outside the sod house because the lady had it set up in squares.  The kids thought it was cool to weed it for a bit.  Now, how come I can't get Claire to weed our garden?

The Black Smith's shop

Thatch roofed barn that was housing a cow

We all had a great time and were very tired when we got home.  Claire fell asleep on the way to karate that night.


grandma pollock said...

it looks like it was a great day. Colleen, do you remember your grade 6 trip to Lower Fort Gary?

chiropollock said...

How could you forget Lower Fort Gary??? I wanted one of those wool Husdon Bay Co. Blankets so bad. Anyhoo, looks like it was waaaayyyy better than Tillicum Village where the actors took the same boat back to Seattle with us.

Colleen Pollock-Patience said...

Definitely a little better than Tillicum Village. I remember eating homeade ice cream at Lower Fort Gary.