Sunday, May 4, 2008

Calgary Open Karate Tournament, May 3rd, 2008

On May 3rd, 2008 Daniel competed in the Calgary Arashi Do Open Karate Tournament at the Deerfoot Inn and Casino. He placed 3rd in Kata and 1st in Point Fighting. This is the video of his 1st/2nd place match for point fighting. We are, as of today, 12 days away from Nationals in Ottawa and Daniel is weighing 35.4 kgs. Perfect! I am sure that he can maintain that weight over the next 10 days and if he just watches what he eats these next few days he will be fine.
Can't wait to get there and see him kick butt!!!

1 comment:

chiropollock said...

It really cool to watch him fight but I have no idea what is a point and what is not and can't even interpret the ref's hand signals. Can you give us Karate novices a tutorial for the nationals postings?