Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Grade Five Wrap Up

Claire is officially finished with Grade 5 today. YAY CLAIRE!!!!! Daniel has already been off for a week, so, I think that she would tell you this has been the longest week of her life!!!

Claire's class, along with the other Grade 5 class at OES, had their Celebration of Learning yesterday and I took the morning off of work to go and check it out.

The kids were all dressed to present their projects on a Canadian they felt left an impact on our country and the world. Claire and her partner, Dawson, both did Wayne Gretzky.

Claire with her report on Wayne. The laptop is set up with a power point presentation.
Heels with a hockey jersey, that's my girl!!!

Ms. Schellenberg wanted the kids to feel like they were important influential Canadians too so, the following is the poster that Claire made about herself.

Claire has had a good year in grade 5. She has been a member of the Green Team, Leadership Council (basically elementary school student council), hand bell choir and voice choir and Jack Rabbits (although she didn't get to many practices because she couldn't seem to keep her room clean). Claire had two teachers this year as Ms. Schellenberg had to take a few months off to get over her husband packing up and leaving. I can't remember the substitutes name, but she and Claire got along just fine.

Claire excelled academically and socially which, I am sure that if you know Claire is no surprise.

Claire getting her Certificate from Ms. Schellenberg

Claire and her certificate of Academic Achievement

Claire and her friend, Baily. Baily is leaving us for warmer
weather in BC. She will be missed. :(

Claire and her BFF's.
From bottom clockwise you have Addison, Sheraya, Baily, Shelby, Dana, Emma and Claire
Have a great summer!!!


Jenn said...

Claire! I LOVE THE HUNGER GAMES!!!! AND, did you know Auntie Mimi and I were on the Green Team? True story.

chiropollock said...

Yep following in our trail blazing footsteps! I LOVE those shoes, Claire. You've inherited your Mom's sense of style and your Auntie's sense of political activism. When I see in print that you are in Grade five it seems so weird because when I talk to you I feel like you are so much older. I love you and am really proud of you.