Friday, March 11, 2011

Claire is Eleven

Claire turned eleven years old on March 11, 2011. I have been sitting on this blog post since that day, not sure what I want to say about it. There are so many emotions wrapped up in watching your child get older and approach adulthood.

I am sad to see her grow up, but at the same time happy to see her blossoming into such an incredible person. Frustrated with her as often as I am utterly speechless over how amazing she is. There is also that need to address my own mortality because no matter how hard I try to take it all in and cherish every moment, it is just all going by so quickly.

Claire is definitely what you would call an old soul. She has been around the block and lived at least one other lifetime (no stick licking for this girl). I am not sure what she is supposed to learn this time, but part of it has to be dealing with me, an obviously brand new soul. I have countless worries like:
  • OMG, she is eleven!!
  • Did I teach her enough those 1st eleven years?
  • What if I missed something?
  • Can I have a do over? Lord knows I could use a few. No? SHIT!!! I hope I have it sort of right so far.
  • At least she knows all her body parts and can count to 100 right????

I do, however, have great back up with my Mom in my corner because she has had an eleven year old girl twice AND SURVIVED!!!

So, Claire and her whole family are moving on to the age of 12, whether we are all ready or not. We have puberty to get through with it's mood swings and tampons. We have boys ahead of us that are currently of little interest, but I know are just lurking around the corner. Fights over the TV and whether or not she has done her chores will turn into arguments over curfews and how long she has been on the phone. There will be tears, tantrums and slamming doors. I hope that there will also be long talks, laughs and more incredible amazement. I think we are ready so, we will all move forward with strong conviction, back up and a box of Kleenex. Well, maybe a more than one box.

1 comment:

chiropollock said...

She is definately one of a kind. YOu've done a great job so far and I am positive you will continue to do the same.