Friday, September 19, 2008

Claire gets a New Kitty

So, the boys are goose hunting and admittedly, Claire and I took advantage of the situation and got a new kitty!!!  About a month ago one of our outdoor cats disappeared and has not returned.  Tracker, our older garage kitty, is a little lonely so, we thought we should get him a buddy.  Claire has never had a kitten and it has been about 15 years since I brought my last kitten home so we thought it would be fun!  It definitely is!!!!  Claire has named her Asia Moon, but we mostly call her Boobie Kitty!!  She has been spending some time in the house, but is happy to go back to the garage and doesn't hang around the door to come back in the house at all, which is very, very good.

She is soooo sweet when she sleeps.


terriknits said...

oh cute - I love black cats! Claire looks very happy with her new baby.

chiropollock said...

what a cutie pie, I'm a sucker for a black cat myself.

Mrs. Mathis' Homeroom said...

Aw! There's nothing more peaceful than a snoozing cat! Chloe had four kittens in August and we're keeping one of the black females. I love black cats superstitions here!