Sunday, August 31, 2008

Discovered my inner Betty Crocker

Boy it has been a long time since I have updated this blog!  It is OK though, I have a good excuse!!  I have discovered my inner Betty Crocker!  We planted a garden this spring and it started to produce like crazy in August.  We have more Zucchini then we just about know what to do with.  A few have made a trip to Curtis' office so that they could be enjoyed by others!  We were picking up to 6 medium sized ones a day for awhile there.  I was even able to make 6 dozen Zucchini muffins and send them to work with Curtis to be eaten.

Rhubarb Pie

Rhubarb and Strawberry Rhubarb Pie
Phantom Rhubarb muffins and Zucchini chocolate chip muffins

We have also made quite a bit of jam and we were very lucky to have Papa share his toons and barb recipe with us.  We now have frozen raspberry, strawberry/rhubarb, raspberry/rhubarb, Saskatoon and Claire's Special Jam all ready for the winter.  In exchange for the Toons and Barb recipe, Papa has requested some frozen berries that will be delivered to him when Curtis and Daniel head to MB for goose hunting in a couple of weeks.  I would say that Curtis picked more than a 5 gallon pail of saskatoons.  Hopefully we have as many next year.

Saskatoon Jam and 
Claire's Special Jam(all left over berries needed to make a batch of jam)

Toons and Barb and Frozen Rhubarb Jam

We have harvested the purple and red potatoes and the onions.  The green and yellow beans have also been picked and the kids are enjoying them cooked and raw.  The cherry tomatoes and the cucumbers are not quite ready yet so they are being covered every night with sheets because we have had two nights with frost already.  The carrots still have to be pulled, but they are OK in the ground for awhile yet.  Our garden has been really successful and we are already planning what we are going to plant next year.

Red and Purple Potatoes and our Onions


Mrs. Mathis' Homeroom said...

Wow! Congrats on such a successful garden! I'm impressed! It was also our plan to plant a garden this year, but it didn't really happen. We only have a couple of very small pumpkin plants in the backyard that are now producing bright orange flowers...who knows if we'll get pumpkins!
Frost already!!! Yikes! Not good! :-)

grandma pollock said...

I am so proud of you and Claire!! Colleen, you are a gardener???well, I guess things do change.

chiropollock said...

Where are MY muffins. You know I ordered them weeks ago!! I'm so jealous of your garden/harvest. My tomato plants didn't really do much but the cucumbers seem about to explode!