Friday, August 31, 2007

Swimming Lessons

At the beginning of August the kids took a session of swimming lessons at the Spruce Grove Triplex. They had a great time and were there everyday fromthe 7th to the 10th. Claire passed her level 2 and Daniel will be sure to get his level 4 next time out.

Daniel had a great teacher and this is the first set of swimming lessons where he swam almost the entire hour. No more water games for him!

Claire had an amazing time at swimming lessons once she got there(didn't want to attend when registered). She made a BFF in about the 1st 10 minutes and though I cannot tell you her name, I am sure that Claire can. One of the cool things that she got to do was swim with flippers and she could make her way across the pool just like an otter. Claire will be moving onto level 3. Way to to Claire!

The last pic is of Claire diving with her BFF (girl in pink) watching on.

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