Really, there hasn't been that much going on in our lives since my last post. Daniel turned 12 on the 22nd of October. There wasn't much fanfare and he couldn't decide what he wanted to do for a party so, we just had cake and ice cream at Curtis' and he got to open some sweet prezzies and that was it. I think that he has reached the age where he doesn't want to have a party supervised by his MOM and is still not old enough to party on him own (thank goodness).
Daniel has taken part in a couple of karate tournaments (1 bigger, 1 smaller). Claire is doing her voice lessons and had a recital before Christmas. She sang "Out Here on My Own" from Fame and did well. I will try to post video later this week. She also had a major part in the school Christmas play called Santa's Playlist. She did awesome and Nana and Papa even made the trip out to watch. What a thrill!!! Again, I will post pics/video this weekend.
The dogs and I are well. My old cat, Freedom is hanging in there and makes an appearance every weekday morning for his canned cat food treat. His hearing and eyesight are going so, you have to be careful not to surprise him, or he yells. Our garage cat, Tracker, has pretty much moved into the house. His manner are impeccable so, I guess he can stay. Our little gray cat was not at the door when I got up this morning so that is concerning, but hopefully she is there when the kids get home from school. Will keep you posted.
I am doing well and enjoying not having to answer to anyone and being in charge of my own life. I have to say, I seem to be handling everything out on my acreage just fine on my own. I have met a really great guy to hang out with. I met him on the Internet and we really have a good time together. His name is Carlam and he has passed the family test and the kids think he is "pretty cool". Daniel had vocabulary homework last night where you had to match the car parts with their meanings. Well, let's just say that is very out of my league so, he called Carlam and they figured it out together. Carlam lives about 4 and a half hours away from me so there is some travelling involved if we want to see each other, but so far have been able to make it work. He is divorced and doesn't have any kids, which I have to admit, is nice. We are just hanging out and enjoying each other's company.

Yay finally an update!! Has Tracker moved in since we left? I hope kitty kitty (or whatever her name is) came home. Looking forward to the vids.
Colleen, great to see you posting again! I'd been checking for a while for new updates, but then I didn't for a few months! Yay! Glad things are going well for you.
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