The Pollock/Patience/Greenreich 2009 Christmas was spent at the Patience house and for the 1st time in a long time, spent together, all in the same location!!!! Mom and Dad arrived on the 19th and Matthew, Stephanie and Aaron followed from Seattle on the 21st. It was sooooo great to all be together for Matthew's 1st Christmas. Curtis came to open prezzys Christmas morning, which was really important to the kids and I and Carlam joined us Christmas Day night after spending the day with his family and that was wonderful!!
Unfortunately there was something else that either
arrived with one of the travelling parties or was at the Patience house waiting for everyone.......... THE FLU!!!!!! The only three that were immune were Daniel, Claire and Carlam. Everyone else got it. It was a bummer because Matthew was sick on Christmas day. As I have told many, the drink of choice for Christmas 2009 was Schweppes Ginger ale!!! So.... because of our extra guest, it was a very quiet Christmas, which isn't really that bad anyway. We were up around 9:30 Christmas day and those of us well enough ate a great Christmas day meal.
Unfortunately there was something else that either

On the 27th, Carlam took Stephanie and Claire and Daniel sliding down the Onoway sledding hill. They had a great time and didn't have to walk up the hill every time they slid down because he pulled them back up with his quad!!!! Can you say Spoiled!!! I didn't go because that was the day I had Mr. Flu visit me. They also did some Quadbogganing, which is the sport of being pulled behind the quad on a sled. Very fun!! I am hoping Stephanie will have some pics of the sledding, but if she doesn't I will get them from Carlam and post them. Stephanie, Aaron and Matthew headed home on the 28th and Mom and Dad followed on the 30th. The kids and I followed Carlam home on the 31st and spent New Year's Eve with his friends in Hines Creek. They all have kids my kids' ages so everyone had a great time. It was back to work and regular routine on January 4th.

Matthew opening his prezzy from Claire

And here it is, an owl she sculpted, painted and fired. I have to admit that I was a little jealous that Matthew got this owl and I, her mother, did not!

Matthew and Steph Christmas Day

Daniel getting goodies out of his stocking.

Claire getting into her stocking Christmas morning.

Claire and Matthew
Carlam opening his prezzys on Boxing Day
2009 homemade gifts for Teachers and friends. Every reindeer had a story written by Claire or Daniel. Claire's was western themed, Daniel's was about a reindeer that needed to collect Worker's Comp. Don't ask, because I have no idea.
1 comment:
I can totally see Daniel cracking himself up over his reindeer story.
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