Friday, May 9, 2008

The Haircut

Today, well, yesterday, I headed to Onoway to get my hair trimmed, quite a bit. These are for you Mom, and will be gone rather shortly so look quick!


grandma pollock said...

tks so is much longer than I thought it would the color and it brings tears to my eyes to think that you have given your hair to someone who needs it so! I did not know that Claire had dontated her hair to cancer as well...WAY TO GO, BOTH OF YOU!!

chiropollock said...

I had forgotten that you were going to do this. I think the length is good but why is it so flat?? Let the curls come back!

Colleen Pollock-Patience said...

Curls SMURLS!!! I LIKE IT FLAT!!! Looks like a dead critter on the counter right now drying so that it can go in a baggie and on it's way.