Friday, July 27, 2007

A Day in the Life of Acreage Living

Yesterday Curtis was out chopping wood (already feels the need to get ready for winter, sigh) and he came across a wasp nest quite by mistake. After a very quick trip into the house slowed only by falling over a large tree, Curtis informed me that he had just been stung by five wasps and asked me to inspect them. I was about 10 pages from the end of the Deathly Hallows (very good by the way) so I was less than enthusiastic and checked them out quickly and continued with my reading.

The next thing I heard was a lot of rustling and Curtis getting ready to attend to getting rid of the wasp nest doned in his green long sleeved golf jacket, camo hunting mask, camo hat and gloves taped over his hands. He was equipped with the best catching device available, black tape and a green plastic garbage bag. Well, I had to go and watch and the Deathly Hallows had to wait.

This is the wasp's nest. Curtis says it is the biggest he has seen in a long time.

This is the outfit that was the best for wasp catching. He is preparing to sneak up on the wasps.

He is now putting the bag over the wasp's nest.

One of the wasp's outsmarted him and managed to stung him in the hand through the cloth part of the gloves Curtis had on.

The bag has been successfully taped around the wasp's nest to the piece of wood to which it is attached. YAY!!

Now to cut the end of the stick off that has the nest attached. Please note Curtis' new chain saw. He says it cuts like butter, but I have decided to take his word for it. I think that I should treat the chain saw just like the riding lawn mower and avoid learning how to operate it as long as possible.

Curtis has successfully removed the nest/stick/bag from the wood pile!

Now that we are quite sure none of the super angry wasps have followed the crazy man and the plastic bag we have time to examine it up close and answer any questions the audience may have.

Curtis is now drowning the wasps in the bag in the pond.

Daniel is sure that he has learned enough to take care of the little buggers next time.

AAAHHHHH the excitement of Country living, now back to my book!

1 comment:

chiropollock said...

I'm so gald you posted this so I could see the wasp killing garb. I told Aaron about it last night and he thought it was pretty funny.