Claire with her report on Wayne. The laptop is set up with a power point presentation.
Heels with a hockey jersey, that's my girl!!!
Ms. Schellenberg wanted the kids to feel like they were important influential Canadians too so, the following is the poster that Claire made about herself.
Claire has had a good year in grade 5. She has been a member of the Green Team, Leadership Council (basically elementary school student council), hand bell choir and voice choir and Jack Rabbits (although she didn't get to many practices because she couldn't seem to keep her room clean). Claire had two teachers this year as Ms. Schellenberg had to take a few months off to get over her husband packing up and leaving. I can't remember the substitutes name, but she and Claire got along just fine.
Claire excelled academically and socially which, I am sure that if you know Claire is no surprise.
Claire getting her Certificate from Ms. Schellenberg
The Sunday concert was MC'd by the Chance Quartet.
Daniel received an award for only missing 1 of 160 Honors Band
practices during the 2010/2011 school year.
(Missed for goose hunting with Papa, not because Mom slept in) Daniel receiving his attendance award from Maestro Tom Saumer
Hyrum received one of 17 perfect attendance awards
Daniel ready to ROCK OUT!!!!
This is U2 taking the stage!!!
This is the stage/bug/whatever you want to call it. They refer
to is as a spaceship. If you look way, way up to the tippy
top you will see a tiny cross on top of a silver globe.This is our group shot!
Spaceship in the dark with the big LED screen thing in
the middle of it.Daniel and I while Claire was in the
Merchandise line.
A little snippet of U2 singing Beautiful Day
This is a video of the song they did with all the lights
off. The lights you see are just every ones' phones.
U2 singing With or Without You!!! The highlight of the night!